First week has come to an end at Miles2Smiles !
Vegge and I have now came to the end of the first week in our “new lifes”, and wow; many new impressions ! After 4 days at Miles 2 Smiles from 8.00-14.00 we have to admit we get really tiered, even though it’s only 6 hours at work. The children think it’s very funny with some new aunties, where we now are known as; aunty Benna and aunty Ellen/Eleni/Elena/Helen (my name is still changing). As living climbing trees, peacemakers and consoling shoulders we have got a wonderful start at our new work with 200 children, full of energy. Pop, pee, snot, laughter, joy, smiles and cry will be a big part of our daily life.
During this week we have been introduced to the different classes at Miles2Smiles. I have been participating as an assistant in baby-class, with pupils in the age of 2-3 years old. A big difference compared to the Norwegian kindergarden is that the kids have more serious classes where they already in this age starts learning English, the alphabet, counting, reading and spelling. The concentration is not the best, but how much can you expect form these young children.
Our next big task is to learn the 212 names at Miles2Smiles; 200 childeren and 12 workers. Wish me good luck !
Så utrolig koselige bilder du har lagt ut av Nanny (bølla nummer en), Ian og lillesøstera hans. Dere er så heldige som kan få leike med disse i syv måneder. Kan du ikke gi dem en klem fra meg?
SvarSlettMiles er heldige som har dere der. Kathy er veldig fornøyd. Håper dagene er fine og at Kalewere-folka behandler dere fint.