We have been living in Uganda for 5 weeks, and i have to admit; this week has won the price for being the “Not-very-cool-week”. After ending the weekend with a wonderful day at the river Nile I also manage to start this week being sick, (nothing serious just a little flu) which has been affected my week. Instead of being at Miles2Smiles playing- and having fun with the kids I have been extremely bored back home; Monday, Tuesday AND Wednesday ! Yesterday I was about to go crazy, so I tried to go to work. That only worked out for about 1 hour and 15 minutes. I was exhausted, and that is not very fun when you are used to have a lot of energy and be in activity all day long. All though, during the time at work one of my small buddies from Miles2Smiles got a small outbreak of anger. 99% of the time he is a very cute, charming, happy and smiling boy, but when he first gets angry; he is ANGRY ! Jumping up and down, screaming, running in circles, screaming louder, jump again and then fell on the ground and starting to hit it. I haven’t baptized him “Sinnataggen” (in English “Grumpy”) without a reason. I have to say; this doesn’t happen very often, but from now on we have really found out how to cure his temper; start to sing 8 verses of the Norwegian children-song “tre små kinesere på høybro-plass” (“Tree small Chinese on highbridge-place”, it sounds ridiculous in English). It was fantastic to see how the child went from anger to smile. Glorious. He made my day !

I haven’t been able to create many moments at Miles2Smiles this week, so the days have been long and uninteresting. I have had a lot of time to think and many thoughts have been addressed to Miles2Smiles, but also back home to Norway. I can understand why people feel homesick when they have nothing to fulfill their days with... After all, this experience of being reduced haven’t only been negative: I have realized how much I enjoy staying at Miles2Smiles; playing, see their smiling faces and hear their laughter. After all, even though this week has been a bit “handicapped” it’s all about how you want to see your experiences.
“Always look at the bright side of life” is not a lie or bad thing in life !
We are now heading a new weekend and new adventures are waiting for Vegge and Jørgensen. Today we are leaving Kampala with a group of Ugandan volunteers called Rotary Internationals. We are going to a village called Kanungu in purpose to hand out some mosquito-nets, teach about hygiene and just play and have a great time with kids and the local people. This will be great. Wish you all a great weekend !
Så artig å lese om kva de gjer, Helene! Men kjedeleg å vere sjuk, då! Eg håpar verkeleg du har blitt betre, og har flust av energi til å starte å jobbe att! DU e herlig!:D